Sunday is always a busy day for us. Today it was a little bit more hectic then usual: we had grandmother Janneke visiting us and she needed a lift to the airport. So we left the house at 10; Drove to the airport; waved goodbye to Grandmother; I drove Maja and Laura to the Liseberg since it was the last day of the season and continued for my badminton date. I played for two hours, picked up the girls and we continued to Swimming lessons.
Maja is really picking up speed in her learning. She can swim under water, she can swim on her back and as you can see in the movie below: she can dive. All of that obviously without supporting arm-puffs. When not at swimming class, she is really eager to show off what she learned which we take as a sign of she enjoying herself. Sunday evenings are always slow and tired because of this, but we all like our activities.
That – and obviously i need to play with my iPhone 😉