The last two days I spent in sunny, warm and beautiful Luleå. For those unaware of this place: it is in the northen part of Sweden (I’m not saying the most northern part of …) for a meeting called VOMAC (Volvo Owners Meeting at the Artic Circle) Taking pictures is a goal I set myself since I was a bit disappointed with the results of my trip last year (see: the pictures here) So taking pictures is what I have been doing ..
By the way: It is quite funny that it actually is warmer here then it is at home, even though here I am pretty much on the polar circle.
I hope in the next few days I will be updating this (or subsequent) post(s) with a more detailed description of the story behind the pictures, as well as some more pictures (the ones I show here are unedited) but for now…. a few pics of the last couple of days: